Being 和 been 的差異
Being 和 been 的差異Being 是 BE 動詞的現在分詞,而 Been 是 BE 動詞的過去分詞。有些人還是三不五時會被這兩個看似簡單的分詞所搞混。這裡提供一個規則讓大家參考,been 一定用在 have (及其他 have 形式,如 has, had, will have 等) 之後,而 being 絕不會用在 have 之後。Being 是用在 BE 動詞之後 (及其他 be 形式,如 are, were, is, was 等)。例如:
She is being very clever today. (她今天表現得很聰明) (正)
She has being very clever today. (誤)
They have been busy. (他們一直很忙) (正)
They are been busy. (誤)
Sophia has being working at that big company. (蘇菲亞一直在那家大公司工作) (誤) - being 不可位在 have 或 has 的後面。
Being 可用作名詞。例如:
A human being (人;人類)
A strange being stepped out of the spaceship. (一個奇怪的人步出了太空船)
Being 亦可用作動名詞 (動名詞也是名詞類,用法與名詞相同)。例如:
Do you like being so careless? (你喜歡這麼粗心大意嗎?)
The accident was caused by his being so clumsy. (這起事故肇因於他太笨手笨腳了)
I live in terror of not being misunderstood. (我活在不被誤解的恐懼中)。這句話語出英國大文豪王爾德 (Oscar Wilde) - 竟然有人希望被誤解,以被誤解為榮。
一般而言,現在分詞和過去分詞都可以當形容詞來修飾名詞,但 being 和 been 不行。例如:
Broken vase (破碎的花瓶) (正)
Deleted file (刪除的檔案) (正)
Cooking oil (烹飪油) (正)
Jogging girl (慢跑的少女) (正)
The been car (無意義) (誤)
The being flower (無意義) (誤) 反手就是一个赞