【EVEN 中文】一分鐘了解EVEN各種英文用法
【EVEN 中文】一分鐘了解EVEN各種英文用法!even的中文意思是指「即使…」、「就算…」…等意思,even常見的用法有even if、even though、even now,以及even when…等等。
1.even 即使
例:I don’t even know where it is.
2. even when 就連(描述常做的事)
even when 中文意思是指「就連…」的意思。
例:Even when I go to work, I bring food with me. 就連我去工作,我也是會帶著食物。(這句的意思是:我太容易餓了,就連去上班也要帶著食物)
3. even if 即使、就算
even if 的中文意思是指「即使、就算…」的意思。
例:Even if I sleep for eight hours, I am still tired the next day. 就算我睡8小時,隔天我還是會覺得累。(這句話的意思是:我平常都睡不到8小時,但就算我睡8小時,還是會累。有點近似於:我不管睡多久都還是會累)
4.even though 雖然(描述事實)
even though的中文意思是指「雖然」的意思。
例:Even though skiing is a lot of fun, I rather go to the beach.
例:Even though Canada is a good country, Canada has problems.
例:Even though I went shopping for the whole day, I still couldn’t find the suit I was looking for. 雖然我逛了一整天,但我還是沒找到我要的那套西裝。(事實就是:我真的花了一整天在逛街,但我竟然還是找不到我要的那套西裝)
5.even now/then 儘管這樣
even now/then的中文意思是指「儘管這樣」的意思。
例:I gave Jim very clear instructions, but even then he managed to make a mess of it.我非常清楚地告訴了吉姆怎麽做,但儘管如此,他還是把事情弄得一團糟。
6.even so 即使如此
even so 的中文意思是指「即使如此」的意思。
例:I had a headache, but even so I went to see a movie.
7.even as 正當,恰好在…的時候
even as 的中文意思是指「正當…」的意思。
例:I tried to talk to her, but even as I started to explain what had happened she stood up to leave.
我試著跟她說話,可是我剛一開口解釋所發生的事情,她就起身要走。 赞