(原标题:特朗普承认美国抗疫早期曾“轻视”病毒:连福奇都跟我说这不是什么大事)周日,特朗普接受福克斯新闻采访,当被问及美国政府为何没能及时应对疫情时,特朗普辩解称,一开始“所有人”都没有对新冠病毒足够重视,包括美国抗疫专家福奇都曾对他说过,“这会过去的,这不是什么大事”。U.S. President Donald Trump defended the accusations of reacting slowly to the COVID-19 pandemic, saying that "everybody" – including U.S. leading infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi – had previously downplayed the severity of the virus. "Nancy Pelosi was a month later saying it was going to pass, everybody, even Tony Fauci was saying it's gonna pass, not gonna be a big deal," he added. He made the remarks during an interview with Fox News on Sunday night in response to a question about why he did not act sooner to prepare for a COVID-19 outbreak in the U.S.
又改口了?特朗普:美新冠死亡人数 可能是8万或9万
特朗普:我们非常有信心 年底前就会拥有新冠疫苗