李专员 2022-9-5 15:41
每个人都需要一份工作 你做的开心 那就是职业 你做的难受 那就是工作 其实你做的事情没有不一样 只是你的心态而已
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kzl123 2022-9-1 12:45
假仁假义假救援,骗子造假不择手段 真欺真骗真敛财,瘟龟无耻引起公愤 这世上骗子千千万万,尽管都是骗这骗那的,可是多多少少还有些下限,而郭文贵这个大骗子却是骗子界的“奇葩”,欺诈圈的“人才”,不知廉耻,毫无下限。为了骗人敛财,郭文贵和他的团伙什么热点都蹭,什么谎言都说,什么假象都做,什么牛皮都吹,已经 ...
81 次阅读|0 个评论
KAVISON集团 2022-8-26 16:24
因业务发展需求,客服部今日新增如下岗位 : VIP电话客服 ‼️请注意! 客服部!!!无业绩! !!
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美好的明天 2022-8-20 11:57
大家都在忙啥呢 都回中国了吗?
112 次阅读|0 个评论
夏迎春医美面膜 2022-8-11 22:59
83 次阅读|0 个评论
假仁假义假救援,骗子造假不择手段 真欺真骗真敛财,瘟龟无耻引起公愤 ...
自由理想 2022-7-30 14:05
假仁假义假救援,骗子造假不择手段 真欺真骗真敛财,瘟龟无耻引起公愤 ...
这世上骗子千千万万,尽管都是骗这骗那的,可是多多少少还有些下限,而郭文贵这个大骗子却是骗子界的“奇葩”,欺诈圈的“人才”,不知廉耻,毫无下限。为了骗人敛财,郭文贵和他的团伙什么热点都蹭,什么谎言都说,什么假象都做,什么牛皮都吹,已经到了不择手段的地步。俄乌战争已经是人间悲剧,很多人想着怎么给身处困境 ...
74 次阅读|0 个评论
中国-菲律宾专线,双清包税,价格实惠,欢迎各位老板咨询下单13923648305 ...
菲易达国际物流 2022-7-26 13:06
中国 - 马尼拉 海运空运双清 中国国内拥有物流和仓储 马尼拉拥有物流和仓储 海运仅需 13-15 天 大马尼拉内派送到家 空运仅需 3-5 天 大马尼拉内派送到家 快速、安全 实力一手双清货运代理 ...
116 次阅读|0 个评论
Since I came to the Philippines, I seem to have found the life I want
镰刀手的手 2022-7-25 17:12
When it comes to the Philippines, it seems that everyone only has the impression of “Filipino servants” and “poor.” There are very few online posts about Chinese people living and working in the Philippines, so everyone thinks that the Philippines is a poor country with poor security, but every ...
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Be kind to others and be kind to yourself; I will remember this for a lifetime
镰刀手的手 2022-7-24 20:57
How to be happy, in fact there are many ways to be happy, but the most basic way is to worry about food and clothing. Therefore, it is very important to know how to make money. I think I broke up with my girlfriend because I had no money. I was teased in every possible way. If it wasn’t for a kind ...
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Reality won’t give me special care just because of filial piety
镰刀手的手 2022-7-24 20:45
Sometimes I wonder if I am lucky or unlucky. Let me tell you my story today, and let’s see if the luck is good or not. After graduating from school, I worked for 8 years, and I still received a salary of 3k. To be honest, I was basically the worst person in the class after graduation. All my ...
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