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thtse: It was -3 degrees Celsius. I strolled in Pacific Mall to see a grand show.
2023-1-29 08:20 回复|
thtse: It was -2 degrees Celsius. Before I went back home to eat chili fried chicken rice, yogurt, cereal bar, and egg, I got a bag of groceries at a Acsa's windowsill.
2023-1-28 07:31 回复|
thtse: It was -6 degrees Celsius. I jogged in St. Timothy's Anglican Church to eat fried chili chicken corn rice, cereal bar, and pie.
2023-1-27 07:32 回复|
thtse: It was 0 degrees Celsius. When it was snowed, I was going to Acsa to eat ham's rice, yogurt, egg, and muffin.
2023-1-26 08:37 回复|
yebanshifen: 凌晨12点至2点,在帕塞Midas左侧巷子里,万顺酒店门口,一队交警临时设卡,以检车车辆为由,扣取中国司机驾驶车辆,只要是中国司机不会本地语言和英文的,索要高额罚款。其车辆并无违规行为。一系列沟通后,交警称本 ...
2023-1-26 03:17 回复|
thtse: It was 0 degrees Celsius. While it was snowing, I walked in Acsa to eat ham's rice, muffin, egg, and yogurt.
2023-1-25 07:18 回复|
thtse: It was 0 degrees Celsius. I lingered home to watch Korean films on television today.
2023-1-24 07:53 回复|
thtse: It was 0 degrees Celsius, snowy day, Lunar New Year, and kung hei fat choi. I stayed home to play game on internet.
2023-1-23 07:42 回复|
thtse: It was -1 degrees Celsius. I strolled in Pacific Mall to shop the stores.
2023-1-22 07:44 回复|
thtse: It was 0 degrees Celsius. I went in St. Timothy's Anglican Church to eat fusilli, and bread.
2023-1-20 07:57 回复|
thtse: It was 3 degrees Celsius. I jogged in Acsa to eat muffin, French fries, egg, ham, bread, and yogurt.
2023-1-19 07:42 回复|
thtse: It was 2 degrees Celsius. I walked in Acsa to eat muffin, chili chicken rice, and egg.
2023-1-18 07:39 回复|
thtse: yesterday I strolled in Aaniin library to read Tai chi and yoga books.
2023-1-18 04:41 回复|
thtse: It was -3 degrees Celsius. I used computer to watch youtube on internet at home. I sat a chair to watch Chinese movies on television at home today.
2023-1-16 08:07 回复|
thtse: It was -5 degrees Celsius. I employed desktop to watch youtube on internet at home.
2023-1-15 07:49 回复|
thtse: It was -5 degrees Celsius. Before I went in a food court to eat foods, I received some groceries at a Acsa's windowsill.
2023-1-14 07:43 回复|
thtse: It was 3 degrees Celsius. I jogged in St. Timothy's Anglican Church to eat chicken rice, and dessert.
2023-1-13 07:48 回复|
thtse: It was -2 degrees Celsius. I walked in Acsa to eat French fries, fried chicken, yogurt, and egg.
2023-1-12 07:31 回复|
thtse: It was -1 degrees Celsius. I strolled in Acsa to eat chicken rice, yogurt, fruit,  egg, and cake.
2023-1-11 07:48 回复|
thtse: It was 0 degrees Celsius. I stayed home to play game on internet.
2023-1-10 08:00 回复|

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