
在菲律宾的欧美中东人对华人好 美国人对华人差?

时间:2021-12-9 10:02 1 1163 | 复制链接 |


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  昨天说了一个嘴甜的外国人 有个小伙伴就有反馈讲 他接触过的在菲律宾的外国人中 欧洲 中东的对华人热情 美国人对华人很敌视 很冷淡~
  说完以后 我就回忆是不是这样~ 当然 咱们得先剔除那些只对菲律宾女孩子热情的外国人老头子~

  后来我发现还真认识几个在这边开潜店 和民宿 酒店的外国人 也是当初客人预订好 我接送的时候认识的 也聊过天 感觉还能评论几句他们是否是这样~

  英国人 看岁数~ 外冷内热的比较多 一个潜店的老板是个快70岁的英国老头 叫Allen~ 典型的英国老绅士姿态 对女游客特别照顾 当然这个照顾不是为了滚床单~ 对任何人都是有求必应 说话慢条斯理 但是不是拖沓听的不耐烦的那种~ 素食 禁欲 挺有意思~

  他有个合伙人 也是英国人 小伙子 John 很腼腆 对女客人话少 对男客人还能话多些~ 如果说到潜水 可以滔滔不绝~
  这俩人 碰到中国人 没有过度热情 也没冷淡 很中立~

  见过两个北欧的 也是在这边做酒店 潜店的 很冷~ 不知道是不是来的地方的问题 即便是到了菲律宾这么热的地方 都把把他们化了~

  真的是有一说一 多一个字都不多说~ 英语的口音也很重~ 对你是哪里来的 没啥特别的 毕竟商人 为了挣钱 很少有把偏见放在前面的~
  美国的认识好几个 旅居在这边做小生意~ 美国年轻人傻是真的 你说啥 他就信啥 一点也不怀疑~ 对了 认识的这个是德州的 海边还要穿袜子 有些意思~

  对了 除了这个还有个老的 喜欢三天两头换菲律宾妹妹 所以听说肾不好~ 叫James~
  有一次我给所有我在菲律宾认识的外国人都从中国邮寄了明信片 等我到了菲律宾 明信片还没有邮寄到~
  等到了 我还挺激动的去问他们喜欢不~ 那些都至少能礼貌表示谢意~ James 拿着我邮寄给他的明信片问我:“这是哪个女的邮寄给她的?”
  搞得我一愣~ 原来他以为我找他问明信片收到没 可能我也收到了 我一定也知道明信片的细节 额 就我邮寄的 我能不知道吗?
  James摇了摇头 顺手撕了明信片:“我只喜欢女的 没有机会就算了~ 男的我没兴趣”

  所以如果说美国人不喜欢华人 我不敢确认~ 目前我看到的 有些美国人可能天生只会寻求交配 这倒是真的~
  至于德国人吗?我之前给他写过专题 严谨起来都可笑 喜欢自己动手搞发明 不喜欢默克尔~ 对 这个家伙有两个不喜欢 一个不喜欢默克尔 之所以不喜欢 是因为他另一个不喜欢的东西是俄罗斯 因为老默和俄罗斯合作密切 他反对老默~ 中国他很喜欢 特别是中国的城市 热闹!
  好了 至于其它的 咱就不知道了~ 反正对于我这样天天捡瓶子的人来说 喜欢什么有用吗?还不得老老实实捡瓶子 换大米饭~ 今天白嘴咀嚼了一会儿白米饭 别说淀粉在嘴里转化成糖以后 确实也挺甜的~

  更多菲律宾故事 欢迎扫码关注公众号~


qq398740233 发表于 2021-12-9 10:32 | 显示全部楼层 | 举报 来自: 亚太地区
Yesterday, we talked about a sweet-talking foreigner, and one of our partners gave feedback that among the foreigners he had contacted in the Philippines, the European and Middle Eastern ones were warm to the Chinese, and the American ones were hostile and cold to the Chinese.
  After I said that, I remembered if that was the case. Of course, we have to eliminate those old foreigners who are only passionate about Filipino girls.

  I found out later that I really know a few foreigners who run dive stores and B&Bs and hotels here, and I met them when the guests booked me to pick them up and drop them off, and I talked to them, and I felt I could comment on whether they were like that.

  The British people, depending on their age, are more cold on the outside and hot on the inside. The owner of a dive store is a 70-year-old British man named Allen.

  He has a partner who is also a British guy, John, who is very shy and doesn't talk much to the women, but can talk a lot to the men, and can talk a lot when it comes to diving.
  These two people are not overly enthusiastic or cold when it comes to Chinese people, very neutral.

  I've seen two Scandinavians who are also doing hotels and dive stores here, and they are very cold.

  It really is one to say one more word not to say more English accent is also very heavy to where you are from nothing special after all businessmen to earn money rarely put prejudice in front of the ~
  The United States knows several living in this side of the small business American young people are really stupid what you say, he will believe anything, not to doubt the right to know this is the Texas seaside also wear socks, some interesting ~

  By the way, besides this one, there's an old guy who likes to change his Filipino sister twice a day, so I heard he has a bad kidney, James.
  Once I sent postcards from China to all the foreigners I knew in the Philippines, and when I got to the Philippines, they hadn't arrived yet.
  I was so excited to ask them if they liked it, and they were at least polite enough to thank me.
  He thought I'd asked him if he'd received the postcard, so maybe I had, and I must have known the details of the postcard.
  I asked him, "What if it's not a woman?"
  James shook his head and tore up the postcard: "I only like women. I'm not interested in men if I don't have a chance."

  So if it's true that Americans don't like Chinese, I'm not sure... so far I've read that some Americans may be born seeking only to mate.
  As for the Germans? I've written about him before, and he's ridiculously strict, likes to invent things on his own, doesn't like Angela Merkel... Yeah, this guy has two dislikes, one of them is Merkel, and the reason why he doesn't like it is because the other thing he doesn't like is Russia, because the old Mer is working closely with Russia, and he's against the old Mer.
  Well, as for the rest, we don't know, anyway, for people like me who pick up bottles every day, what do you like? I have to honestly pick up bottles in exchange for rice. Today, I chewed white rice for a while.
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