
[音乐] Christmas In Our Hearts - Jose Mari Chan(曾焕福)

时间:2016-9-1 12:38 2 5574 | 复制链接 |


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虽然离圣诞节还有三个月,但现在已经进入9月,也是一年最后一个季度。在此跟龙友们分享菲律宾著名华裔歌手曾焕福(Jose Mari Chan)的名曲Christmas In Our Hearts,希望大家喜欢。曾焕福出生于怡朗(Iloilo)糖业世家,小时候就读怡朗华商中学,能讲一口非常流利的闽南话。他是菲律宾殿堂级歌手,曾经获得无数次国际音乐大奖。他所唱的歌都是自己谱曲、作词及歌唱的。
Whenever I see girls and boys
selling lanterns on the streets
i remember the Child
in the manger as He sleeps
wherever there are people
giving gifts, exchanging cards
i believe that Christmas
is truly in their hearts

Lets light our Christmas trees
for a bright tomorrow
where nations are at peace
and all are one in God

Lets sing Merry Christmas
and a happy holiday
this season, may we never forget
the love we have for Jesus
let Him be the One to guide us
as another new year starts
and may the spirit of Christmas
be always in our hearts

In every prayer and every song
the community unites
celebrating the birth
of our Savior, Jesus Christ

let love, like that starlight
on that first Christmas morn
lead us back to the manger
where Christ the Child was born

So, come let us rejoice
come and sing a Christmas carol
with one big joyful voice
proclaim the name of the Lord!

Lets sing Merry Christmas
and a happy holiday
this season, may we never forget
the love we have for Jesus
let Him be the One to guide us
as another new year starts
and may the spirit of Christmas
be always in our hearts


灰色地带 发表于 2016-9-1 14:29 | 显示全部楼层 | 举报 来自: 菲律宾 Globe电信
这首我在小学时候学过   到现在还会唱哈哈哈
醉龙 发表于 2016-9-1 18:45 | 显示全部楼层 | 举报 来自: 广东省深圳市 联通
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